Friday, November 14, 2008

Morning Madness

when my alarm goes off i'm usually woke already. i stare at
the clock while its buzzing. i get up and turn it off grab some
clean clothes and take them in the living room. then i go get in
the shower for about 20 mins. when i get out i brush my teeth.
then i go in the living room and put on my loition and deodorant.
then i watch t.v. for a minute. then i put my clothes on. after that
i put my coat on and leave. i walk to the gas station grab a pack of
spearmint and a drink , then head to school.


80th Kno Dat said...

Yo morning go smooth and boring.Yo sstory sounded like I wake up,wash up, put on clothes and leave.I know you do more than that.

Creactions made by Flo said...

yo morning be going smooth i wish my mornings went like that....